Saturday, 11 June 2011

Representations in Media

Dear Readers,

I'm sorry that I haven't posted something in a while. This post is going to be about what I learnt in the last ICT lesson. To tell you the truth, it was quite boring, but I did learn a lot about representing media. Here is what I learnt.

All representations of media texts are representations of reality, but each portrayed in a slightly different way than other. It basically means that the producers have complete control over how the text is written and formatted, so that they are absolutely artificial versions of reality.

If the audience is given information, media texts extend experience of reality. Every time we watch a wildlife documentary, or read about a political event in a country on the other side of the world, you extend your experience of life on this Earth. However, since the producer is in charge of the film, our experience is limited by his ideas and his information. Therefore, we see only snippets of information, and only the snippets which the producer has allowed to be seen.

Media representations and how we interpret and accept them, can be a very political issue, since the media has holds and contacts in most places of importance. Therefore causing news and other events to sometimes become garbled, misshapen forms of text, barely shadowing what they originally were about. The media can control how we view the world and our beliefs.

Most of the time, audiences accept that most media texts are fictional to an extent.

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