Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Spanish Restaurant Composition

Hello All,

In this post, I have a Spanish composition that I will show you. It is a scene set in a restaurant, where a lot of dialogue goes on.

I hope you enjoy it.

Había una vez un posada, llamada el hogar del viajerosEra un lugar pequeño, con un montón de mesasy una cálida chimenea grande. Usted ha venido aquí para descansar un poco antes de continuar su largo viaje.

Camarero: Buenas noches, señor. ¿Que va a tomar?
Señor: Hola. ¡Ay... tengo mucha hambre! De primer plato voy a tomar, jamon serrano.
Camarero: Buena opcion señor. ¿Y de segundo plato?
Señor: De segundo, voy a tomar paella.
Camarero: Bien. ¿Algo mas?
Señor: Si. De postre, voy a tomar flan, por favor.
Camarero: Excelente. ¿y para beber...?
Señor: a ver... la cerveza de la casa, por favor.
Camarero: Muy bien.
Camarero: Aqui esta su perdido, señor.
Señor: ¡Mmmmmm! ¡Que rico!
Señor: ¡Todo esta fantastico!
Camarero: Gracias, ¿Algo mas?
Señor: No, nada mas. ¿La cuenta por favor?

Monday, 10 October 2011

ICT So Far

Hello All,

In this entry I'm going to talk about what I've learned so far in ICT for Year 9.

First, we learned about the four layer model of ICT. First of all, there is the hardware, that every computer needs to function. It includes the CPU ( basically the computer), the motherboard (the thing that connects all components of the computer), RAM (Temporary storage), HDD (Permanent storage), Power supply and the case. Then, there is the software, that includes all of the, Applications (like Word and Safari), the BIOS (basic input/output system) and operating system (Apple OSX, Linux, Windows). After that, there is the Network, that connects computers together. This includes Ping (communication between computers on a basic level), IP Address (plots where your computer is in time and space), the domain name (the name of the computer/network), the local network (what you log on to whenever you access the internet) and finally the Internet. Finally, the last layer is People. People like you and me.

Then, we learned how to take apart and put back together a DELL computer. We recorded this by using our laptop cameras. I would show you the pictures, but Jordan deleted them before I could get them, so i'll explain as best as I can. First, obviously you need to take the case off. You will either need a flathead or star screwdriver to do this, so make sure you have both of those beforehand. Also, some components are made to slot into each other, so don't use brute force unless absolutely necessary. So, when you have the case off, the first thing you do is unplug all of the wires. Make sure that the power plug is pulled out before you take the case off, otherwise you could get electrocuted. when all of the plugs are out, start to unscrew the other components. DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT take apart the power supply EVER. It is capable of giving 110 to 210 megavolt shocks, enough to fry your skin to a crispy consistency. after all the components have been taken out, unscrew the motherboard. This is best done with either a partner or several trays for small bits, because it is extremely easy to lose all of those little screws. Finally, step back to admire your work, then put it all back together using the instructions vice versa.

I hope you enjoyed this blog post,


Saturday, 11 June 2011

Representations in Media

Dear Readers,

I'm sorry that I haven't posted something in a while. This post is going to be about what I learnt in the last ICT lesson. To tell you the truth, it was quite boring, but I did learn a lot about representing media. Here is what I learnt.

All representations of media texts are representations of reality, but each portrayed in a slightly different way than other. It basically means that the producers have complete control over how the text is written and formatted, so that they are absolutely artificial versions of reality.

If the audience is given information, media texts extend experience of reality. Every time we watch a wildlife documentary, or read about a political event in a country on the other side of the world, you extend your experience of life on this Earth. However, since the producer is in charge of the film, our experience is limited by his ideas and his information. Therefore, we see only snippets of information, and only the snippets which the producer has allowed to be seen.

Media representations and how we interpret and accept them, can be a very political issue, since the media has holds and contacts in most places of importance. Therefore causing news and other events to sometimes become garbled, misshapen forms of text, barely shadowing what they originally were about. The media can control how we view the world and our beliefs.

Most of the time, audiences accept that most media texts are fictional to an extent.

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Another Spanish Composition

Hola, Guys!

This is another spanish composition I wrote.

I hope you enjoy it.



Oscar Olesen
Ir de compras con Casper
O: Hola Casper. ¿Como estas?

C: Muy bien gracias. ¿Y tu?

O: Bien gracias. ¿Donde vamos a ir?

C: Hmmm...¿Al cine?

O: Vale. ¡Vamos!

Read in a dramatic 1970s American accent: The two bilinguals met at the cinema, but something was amiss!

O: Hola Casper.

C: Hola.

They walk over to the snack stand.

O: Hola, quiero dos nachos, un Cream soda grande y una Coca Cola muy pequeño.

C: ¡Que! No no no no. Una Coca Cola mas grande y un Cream soda muy pequeño.

O: ¡Ni en sueños!

C: ¡Si!

O: ¡No!

C: ¡Si!

O: ¡No!

C: ¡Si!


Cashier: ¡SILENCIO! Dos botellas de agua muy pequeño. ¿Vale?

O&C: Vale... ¿Cuanto questas?

Cashier: Treinta y seis dólares de Hong Kong.

O: Bien. ¿Casper?

C: Un momento.

O: ¡Casper! ¿Donde es el dinero?

C: … en mi casa.



Monday, 28 February 2011

English Essay: Here comes the Bride...


This one my English Essays. It is one of my favorite essays because it is some of my best essay writing that I have done. It is a travel narrative, similar to the ones that you would commonly find in magazines.

I hope you like it.


Here Comes the Bride…

It’s so cosy, sitting in my limousine as I watch the world rush by around me. My driver will have to really step on it if we’re going to make the awards ceremony. I look at my gold plated Rolex watch and sigh. “I want that Nobel Prize, Walter!” I said impatiently. “But sir, it’s the national cupcake day parade. They are blocking the entire street.” He answered coolly. “Wait, what!” I cried, and then I heard a voice. Oscar… OSCAR! Wake up, Oscar! “Oh nuts!” I fumed.
I woke up, sitting on a bench in the front row of a chapel. “Gitte and Kennet are coming down the aisle!” my mum whispered excitedly. I shook my head to get the stars out of my eyes and I saw my aunt Gitte and my new uncle Kennet walking slowly through the row of benches. 

The days in Denmark had passed so quickly. Pastries, Wooden go carts, walks with the dog in the pine forest and the friendly, shining smiles of the fair-haired people of Sjaelland. The last few blurred patches slid from my vision and I stood up with the rest of the onlookers to join in for a hymn. The ceremony was actually quite a short one, ranging from maybe 45 minutes to 1 hour. Well, how should I know what the usual time is, since the only other wedding I had been to at the time, was a Thai wedding, which can take up to 7 hours!

After the Ceremony we walked outside of the chapel and waited for the newly wedded bride and groom. As they were walking out of the chapel, my brother Felix and I both dug our hands into the inside pockets of our jackets and withdrew a handful of rice. We threw all of it at the couple, which everyone enjoyed, including my aunt and uncle.

We all got into our cars and started to drive to the party ground. As we drove, I couldn’t help putting away my DS and looking out at the countryside. I had seen this sight a lot of times before now, but it still stunned me to look at it that day. Khaki brown wheat fields that were deeper than they looked, Towering trees of pine, oak, yew and willow looking down on us from above and deep, clear blue sky for as far as the eye could see.

We soon arrived at the party ground, which was basically a wooden longhouse and a huge, stunning garden full of different assortments of vines, trees and plants. There were waxy orange squashes, bright red tomatoes, dark green cucumbers and the native, transparent hyldebaejer berries.

While we waited to be seated, Felix, the other kids and I scouted out the area, only to find a simply humungous haystack construct. We played for hours in it. I can remember my legs being so stiff afterwards that even simple walking was nigh on impossible. We also caught sight of some horses being led back to their stables by a trainer. We followed him and asked if we could help feed the horses some carrots. He said yes, so we spent the last few hours feeding the horses. It’s so amazing, how friendly most Danes are. They’ll spoil most children rotten and let them do most anything! Denmark is a truly fantastic place! It was soon time to leave, so we said goodbye to the horses, and threw the rest of our rice at the newly weds. We all laughed.

As I got into the car, I thought about what had happened today. I had raced down a hill in a wooden go cart, fallen asleep in a chapel, sabotaged two newly weds outside the very same chapel with a couple of handfuls of rice, played capture the flag in a fortress comprised entirely of hay and fed horses lots of carrots and other assorted veggies. When I had finished compiling my thoughts, my first reaction was to smile, turn to my dad and say “Well, that was one hell of a day!”. I hope you have enjoyed reading my description of my holiday to Denmark, and I wish you the good fortune of being able to travel to Denmark. Thank you for reading my travel narrative.