Hello All,
In this entry I'm going to talk about what I've learned so far in ICT for Year 9.
First, we learned about the four layer model of ICT. First of all, there is the hardware, that every computer needs to function. It includes the CPU ( basically the computer), the motherboard (the thing that connects all components of the computer), RAM (Temporary storage), HDD (Permanent storage), Power supply and the case. Then, there is the software, that includes all of the, Applications (like Word and Safari), the BIOS (basic input/output system) and operating system (Apple OSX, Linux, Windows). After that, there is the Network, that connects computers together. This includes Ping (communication between computers on a basic level), IP Address (plots where your computer is in time and space), the domain name (the name of the computer/network), the local network (what you log on to whenever you access the internet) and finally the Internet. Finally, the last layer is People. People like you and me.
Then, we learned how to take apart and put back together a DELL computer. We recorded this by using our laptop cameras. I would show you the pictures, but Jordan deleted them before I could get them, so i'll explain as best as I can. First, obviously you need to take the case off. You will either need a flathead or star screwdriver to do this, so make sure you have both of those beforehand. Also, some components are made to slot into each other, so don't use brute force unless absolutely necessary. So, when you have the case off, the first thing you do is unplug all of the wires. Make sure that the power plug is pulled out before you take the case off, otherwise you could get electrocuted. when all of the plugs are out, start to unscrew the other components. DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT take apart the power supply EVER. It is capable of giving 110 to 210 megavolt shocks, enough to fry your skin to a crispy consistency. after all the components have been taken out, unscrew the motherboard. This is best done with either a partner or several trays for small bits, because it is extremely easy to lose all of those little screws. Finally, step back to admire your work, then put it all back together using the instructions vice versa.
I hope you enjoyed this blog post,